'Beautiful' – tunes and improvisations

Here is the melody from FEELS, by Matthew. Rylan’s vocals are sampled in this — transcribed here for folks to sing along with.
Matthew has looped these vocals so that they repeat over the track, falling in slightly different places each time. The beats that they sit on top of keep the sense of time, and create an emotive and (funnily enough!) beautiful [oo oo oo] space for the voice to sit.
Singing along;
Using the melody, you might want to experiment with the pitches notated here — or the same notes within your own range, be that higher or lower — or other pitches that you feel compliment the track. Which notes might fit in here, and with the moving electronics that sit underneath the voice?
These rhythms were improvised originally, changing when Rylan’s voice cracked or wobbled. You can experiment with matching these rhythms, or with holding a long note underneath (see Out of Existence - long sustained phrases). The ‘oo’ sounds, and how they move between consonants in ‘beautiful’ might be interesting to explore here!
You might want to try some vocal fry (see Are we? - vocal fry introduction) to match the creaks in Rylan’s voice that happen as he moves between vocal registers. Try ‘frying in and out’ of the line; vocal fry is easiest to achieve in your lower registers, or sometimes in the breaks between registers.
Matthew’s track explores quite a full texture — what sounds stand out to you, other than the voice? Do these elements influence your choice of notes, or rhythms? The repeating patterns might inform your experimentation with consonants; you could try using the ‘b’ of ‘beautiful' to match the percussive line, picking out little rhythms and repeating or developing them. This can be done on a ‘b-uh b-uh b-uh’ sound, or you could choose a different sound from the piece, or any other sound you feel would be fun to try.